Wildfire smoke and air quality, September 5, 2017 Wildfire Today
Wildfire smoke and air quality, September 5, 2017 Wildfire Today from wildfiretoday.com

The 2017 Wildfire Season in the US

The wildfire season in the US is always a matter of concern, especially for those living in vulnerable areas. The year 2017 was no exception, with the country witnessing a series of devastating wildfires across different states. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, a total of 71,499 wildfires were reported in the US in 2017, burning over 10 million acres of land. The wildfires caused significant damage to property, homes, and infrastructure, and claimed several lives.

What Caused the Wildfires in 2017?

Several factors contributed to the wildfire outbreaks in 2017. The most significant of these was the prolonged drought that affected many states. The dry conditions, coupled with high temperatures and strong winds, created the perfect conditions for wildfires to spread. Human activities, such as campfires, fireworks, and cigarette smoking, also played a role in starting some of the fires.

Which States Were Most Affected?

California was the state that was most affected by wildfires in 2017, with several large fires burning for weeks. The Thomas Fire, which broke out in December 2017, was the largest wildfire in California’s history, burning over 280,000 acres of land. Other states that were severely affected by wildfires in 2017 include Montana, Oregon, and Washington.

The US Wildfire Map 2017

The US wildfire map for 2017 shows the extent and severity of the wildfires that occurred during the year. The map, which was created by the National Interagency Fire Center, provides a comprehensive overview of the wildfires across the country.

How to Read the Map

The US wildfire map for 2017 is color-coded to show the severity of the wildfires. The darker the shade of red, the more severe the fire. The map also shows the location of the fires and the size of the burned area. You can zoom in and out of the map to get a more detailed view of the wildfires in a particular area.

What Can We Learn from the Map?

The US wildfire map for 2017 provides valuable insights into the patterns and trends of wildfires in the country. By analyzing the map, we can identify the areas that are most vulnerable to wildfires and take proactive measures to prevent them. The map can also help us understand the impact of climate change on the frequency and severity of wildfires in the US.

Preventing Wildfires

Preventing wildfires is a collective responsibility that requires the participation of everyone, from individuals to government agencies. Here are some tips for preventing wildfires:

1. Be Careful with Fire

If you’re camping or having a bonfire, make sure that you follow the fire safety rules. Keep the fire contained, and don’t leave it unattended. Make sure that the fire is completely out before leaving the area.

2. Don’t Smoke in the Woods

Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of wildfires. If you’re a smoker, make sure that you properly dispose of your cigarette butts. Don’t smoke in the woods or near dry vegetation.

3. Be Prepared

Make sure that you have a plan in case of a wildfire. Know the evacuation routes and have an emergency kit ready. Keep your property clear of dry vegetation and other flammable materials.


The US wildfire map for 2017 provides a comprehensive overview of the wildfires that occurred during the year. By analyzing the map, we can learn valuable lessons about preventing and managing wildfires. It’s essential that we take proactive measures to prevent wildfires and protect our communities from their devastating impact. Remember, preventing wildfires is a collective responsibility that requires the participation of everyone.

Category : Map

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