Europe time zones map
Europe time zones map from

The Importance of Knowing Time Zones in Europe

When traveling to Europe, it’s important to be aware of the time differences between your home country and your destination. This is especially true if you have a tight schedule to follow or if you need to schedule important meetings and appointments during your trip. Knowing the time zones in Europe can help you avoid confusion and prevent you from missing out on important events.

What are Time Zones?

Time zones are geographic regions that share the same standard time. They are used to synchronize clocks and timepieces around the world. The world is divided into 24 time zones, with each zone representing a specific range of longitudes. The time in each zone differs by one hour from its neighboring zones.

Time Zones in Europe

Europe is located between the longitudes of 25 degrees and 40 degrees east. This range is covered by three standard time zones: Western European Time (WET), Central European Time (CET), and Eastern European Time (EET).

Western European Time (WET)

WET is used in Portugal, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. It is also referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) because it is based on the time at the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, London.

Central European Time (CET)

CET is used in most European countries, including France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Switzerland. It is one hour ahead of WET and is based on the time at 15 degrees east longitude.

Eastern European Time (EET)

EET is used in countries such as Greece, Turkey, and Ukraine. It is two hours ahead of WET and is based on the time at 30 degrees east longitude.

How to Convert Time Zones in Europe

If you need to convert time zones in Europe, there are several tools you can use. One of the best ways is to use a time zone converter, such as Time and Date or World Time Buddy. These tools allow you to input the time in one time zone and convert it to another time zone instantly.

Example Question:

What is the time difference between France and Italy?

Example Answer:

France and Italy are both in the Central European Time (CET) zone, so there is no time difference between the two countries.


Understanding the time zones in Europe is crucial for anyone traveling to the continent. By knowing the time differences, you can avoid confusion and ensure that you arrive at your meetings and appointments on time. With the help of time zone converters and other tools, you can easily convert the time in one zone to another and stay on schedule during your trip.

Category : Map

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