Why every world map you're looking at is WRONG Africa, China and India
Why every world map you're looking at is WRONG Africa, China and India from www.dailymail.co.uk

Welcome to the year 2023! In this article, we will be discussing the topic of “real scale world map” in relaxed English language. Have you ever wondered about the accuracy of the world maps we are used to seeing? Are they really presenting the true size of the countries and continents? Let’s dive into this topic and explore the concept of a real scale world map. A real scale world map is a cartographic representation of the world that shows the true sizes of the countries and continents. Unlike the traditional world maps that we are used to seeing, a real scale world map does not distort the sizes of the landmasses to fit them onto a two-dimensional surface. This means that the countries closer to the equator are not shown as smaller than they actually are, as is the case with traditional world maps.

Why is a Real Scale World Map Important?

A real scale world map is important because it shows the true size of the countries and continents. This is especially important for people who are interested in geography, history, and politics. The traditional world maps that we are used to seeing can be misleading and can give people a false impression of the sizes of the countries and continents.

How is a Real Scale World Map Created?

A real scale world map is created using a technique called the AuthaGraph projection. This technique involves dividing the world into 96 equal regions and then projecting these regions onto a tetrahedron. The tetrahedron is then unfolded into a flat map, which maintains the true sizes of the countries and continents.

Question: How is the AuthaGraph projection different from the traditional Mercator projection?

Answer: The AuthaGraph projection does not distort the sizes of the countries and continents, whereas the traditional Mercator projection distorts the sizes of the landmasses to fit them onto a two-dimensional surface.

What are the Advantages of a Real Scale World Map?

One of the main advantages of a real scale world map is that it presents a more accurate representation of the sizes of the countries and continents. This can help people to better understand the geography of the world and the relationships between different countries and regions. Additionally, a real scale world map can help to challenge some of the biases and assumptions that people may have about different parts of the world.

What are the Disadvantages of a Real Scale World Map?

One of the main disadvantages of a real scale world map is that it can be difficult to use for navigation purposes. The traditional world maps that we are used to seeing are more convenient for navigation because they show the countries and continents in a way that is easy to understand. Additionally, a real scale world map can be more expensive to produce than a traditional map.

Question: What are some of the biases and assumptions that a real scale world map can help to challenge?

Answer: A real scale world map can help to challenge biases and assumptions about the size and importance of certain countries and regions. For example, it can help to show that Africa and South America are much larger than they appear on traditional world maps, and that Europe and North America are not as large as they are often perceived to be.


In conclusion, a real scale world map is an important tool for understanding the geography of the world and challenging biases and assumptions about different countries and regions. While it may not be as convenient for navigation purposes as traditional world maps, it can provide a more accurate representation of the true sizes of the countries and continents. We hope that this article has been informative and has given you a better understanding of the concept of a real scale world map.

Category : Map

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