Political Map of Spain, Cities, States, Country Data
Political Map of Spain, Cities, States, Country Data from www.mappr.co


Spain is a country that has undergone significant political changes in recent years. From the rise of new political parties to the separatist movements in Catalonia and Basque Country, Spain’s political map has evolved considerably. In this article, we will take a closer look at Spain’s political landscape in 2023.

What is the Current Political Situation in Spain?

Spain has a parliamentary system of government, with the Prime Minister as the head of government. The current Prime Minister is Pedro Sanchez, who is a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE). The PSOE is currently in a coalition government with the left-wing party Unidas Podemos.

What are the Main Political Parties in Spain?

In addition to the PSOE and Unidas Podemos, there are several other political parties in Spain. The conservative People’s Party (PP) is the main opposition party, while the centre-right Citizens Party (Cs) and the far-right Vox Party are also represented in the Spanish Parliament.

What is the Situation with the Separatist Movements in Catalonia and Basque Country?

The separatist movements in Catalonia and Basque Country have been ongoing for several decades. In 2023, Catalonia remains a semi-autonomous region within Spain, but the issue of Catalan independence continues to be a source of tension between the Catalan government and the Spanish central government. In Basque Country, the separatist group ETA has been disbanded, but the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) continues to advocate for greater autonomy.

The Political Map of Spain

The Regions of Spain

Spain is divided into 17 autonomous regions, each with its own government and parliament. These regions vary in size and population, with Andalusia being the largest and Madrid being the smallest.

The Political Landscape in Andalusia

Andalusia is a region in southern Spain that is governed by the PSOE. In the 2018 regional elections, the PSOE won a plurality of votes but fell short of a majority. The PP and Vox parties also won seats in the Andalusian Parliament.

The Political Landscape in Catalonia

Catalonia is a region in northeastern Spain that has been at the centre of the separatist movement in recent years. In the 2021 regional elections, the separatist parties Together for Catalonia (JxCat) and the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) won a majority of seats in the Catalan Parliament.

The Political Landscape in Madrid

Madrid is the capital of Spain and a region in its own right. In the 2021 regional elections, the PP won a plurality of votes but was unable to form a government. A coalition government was eventually formed between the PP and Cs, with the support of Vox.


Spain’s political landscape in 2023 is complex and ever-evolving. The rise of new political parties, the ongoing separatist movements, and the regional autonomy of Spain’s 17 regions all contribute to a diverse political map. Understanding the political situation in Spain is essential for anyone interested in the country’s economy, society, and culture.

Question and Answer

Q: Who is the current Prime Minister of Spain?
A: The current Prime Minister of Spain is Pedro Sanchez. Q: What are the main political parties in Spain?
A: The main political parties in Spain are the PSOE, PP, Cs, Unidas Podemos, and Vox. Q: How many autonomous regions does Spain have?
A: Spain has 17 autonomous regions.

Category : Map

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