BioDub Cellular Respiration Maps
BioDub Cellular Respiration Maps from

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Cellular respiration is the process of converting food into energy that can be used by the body’s cells. This process is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans. In this article, we will explore the cellular respiration concept map and understand how it works in the human body.

The Basics of Cellular Respiration

Cellular respiration involves three main stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate. The Krebs cycle then converts these pyruvate molecules into energy-rich molecules called ATP. Finally, oxidative phosphorylation uses the energy from the ATP to produce more ATP.

Stage 1: Glycolysis

Glycolysis is the first stage of cellular respiration. It takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell and does not require oxygen. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, which can then be used in the Krebs cycle. This process also produces a small amount of ATP.

Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle

The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle, takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. During this stage, pyruvate is converted into energy-rich molecules called ATP. The Krebs cycle also produces carbon dioxide, which is a waste product that is removed from the body.

Stage 3: Oxidative Phosphorylation

The final stage of cellular respiration is oxidative phosphorylation. This stage takes place in the mitochondria of the cell and requires oxygen. During oxidative phosphorylation, the energy from the ATP produced in the Krebs cycle is used to produce even more ATP. This process is essential for providing the energy required by the body’s cells to carry out their functions.

Common Questions About Cellular Respiration

What is the purpose of cellular respiration?

The purpose of cellular respiration is to convert food into energy that can be used by the body’s cells. This energy is required for the cells to carry out their functions, such as building new tissues and carrying out metabolic processes.

What happens if cellular respiration is impaired?

If cellular respiration is impaired, the body’s cells may not receive enough energy to carry out their functions. This can lead to a range of health problems, including fatigue, weakness, and impaired immune function.

How can you improve cellular respiration?

There are several ways to improve cellular respiration, including regular exercise, a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. These lifestyle changes can help to increase the efficiency of the cellular respiration process and provide the body with the energy it needs to function properly.


Cellular respiration is a complex process that is essential for the survival of all living organisms. By understanding the cellular respiration concept map, we can gain a better understanding of how this process works in the human body. By making lifestyle changes that improve cellular respiration, we can improve our overall health and well-being.

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