Europe 1938 Cartografía, Mapas
Europe 1938 Cartografía, Mapas from

The Importance of the 1938 Map of Europe

Maps have always been essential tools for understanding the world around us. They help us navigate, plan, and explore new places. However, some maps have a deeper significance than just being a tool for orientation. One such map is the 1938 Map of Europe.

The map is significant because it represents a crucial moment in history. It depicts Europe on the brink of World War II, and it shows the political landscape of the continent just before the war broke out. The map is a testament to the power struggles, alliances, and tensions that characterized Europe in the late 1930s.

The Fascinating Details of the Map

The 1938 Map of Europe is not just a historical document, but it’s also a work of art. The map was created by the famous cartographer John Bartholomew, who was renowned for his detailed and accurate maps. The map is a large, colorful lithograph that depicts Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia.

One of the most interesting features of the map is the Nazi Germany’s annexation of Austria, which occurred in March 1938. The map shows Austria as part of Germany, and it’s a vivid reminder of how quickly things were changing in Europe at the time.

The map is also notable for its depiction of the Soviet Union. The country is shown as a vast territory that occupies a significant portion of Eastern Europe and Asia. This representation reflects the Soviet Union’s expanding influence in the world at the time.

The Significance of the Map Today

The 1938 Map of Europe is not just a historical artifact. It’s also a valuable tool for understanding the world today. The map helps us understand the origins of many of the political and social issues that we face today. It shows us the borders and territories that were established after World War II and the Cold War and highlights the tensions that still exist in some parts of Europe.

The map is also a reminder of the importance of diplomacy and peace. It’s a reminder of how quickly the political landscape can change and how important it is for nations to work together to maintain stability and prevent conflict.

Exploring the 1938 Map of Europe

Question and Answer

Q: How can we explore the 1938 Map of Europe?

A: There are several ways to explore the 1938 Map of Europe. One way is to visit a museum or library that has a copy of the map. Many museums and libraries have digitized versions of the map that you can view online. Another way to explore the map is to use online resources such as Google Maps or other interactive maps that allow you to overlay historical maps on top of modern ones.

Q: What can we learn from exploring the map?

A: Exploring the 1938 Map of Europe can teach us a lot about the political and social issues that shaped Europe in the late 1930s. It can help us understand how quickly the political landscape can change and how important it is for nations to work together to prevent conflict. It can also help us understand the origins of many of the political and social issues that we face today.


The 1938 Map of Europe is a fascinating document that represents a crucial moment in history. It’s a reminder of the power struggles, alliances, and tensions that characterized Europe in the late 1930s. It’s also a valuable tool for understanding the world today and the origins of many of the political and social issues that we face. Exploring the map can be a fascinating journey through time that teaches us a lot about the world around us.

Category : Map

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